To say that I struggle with giving up my will is a gross minimization. I am ALL about the power when it comes to my way! My mother says I came out of the womb saying, “you can’t tell me what to do.”
I know I want to give it all to HP and have him drive the bus, but I often realize after a situation, event or thought that I have taken it back. Worse, I sometimes knowingly take the power back as if I think I am winning some sort of battle between HP and myself.
This verse reminds me that HP and I are not on opposing sides, but rather going alongside. The more I practice the steps, give service and surrender the more my will aligns with Higher Power. Afterall, as that same fellow says “GOD’s GOT IT.”
I know I am more present with HP’s will then I was when I started and I am continuing to get better at working with Higher Power one day at a time.
What helps you remember to give it to HP?
I look forward to seeing all of you at convention!
Teri O
First Vice Chair