Pitfalls that Lead to Relapse
The speaker shared a list of 17 items she had identified that can lead to relapse (as found in OA/AA literature). One of those pitfalls is not taking daily quiet time (Step 11), and I realized that my head says I'm too busy to take this time on a daily basis. Oops! I needed the reminder that I do better when I make Step 11 a daily practice. That time with my HP means that I am more likely to surrender and turn to that source of power when I want to crumble or resist a big wave of emotion, new situation, fear, etc.
Sober Eating
Speakers in this Sunday morning session shared about "sober eating" leading to true freedom from food obsession. Lately food has been a struggle for me. Maybe it's time to look at the foods and behaviors that I play cat-and-mouse with, still wanting them to to "work" for me (Steps 1, 2 and 3). As one of the speakers worked with a volunteer to write a "contract" around food choices and behaviors, I wrote one for myself. I will share my "contract" with another compulsive overeater today and ask my HP to help me stick with that contract. I do want that feeling of freedom from compulsive overeating. I've always believed that the freedom from food comes from a life transformed through the Steps but am realizing that for me right now it's also adhering to a food plan and maintaining a strong abstinence when that spiritual condition sustains some cracks. In the end, my job is to surrender and it's my HP's job to change my food and my life!
For those who missed the OA Birthday Party, I am sure that the recordings will be available soon. Region One continues to add recordings from our November convention. You'll find some wonderful speakers on our podcast page.
Cindy C. - Region One