A. Naomi Lippel (of the World Service Office) wrote a great response and I hope you found it helpful. I am the Region I Trustee and am on the Public Information committee.
For me there is a difference between the things that “catch someone’s eye” and the things which bring me recovery and keep me coming back. In my recovery I often find that it is all about the food until it’s not about the food. While I was in the disease it seemed like the problem was the food, my weight and diets, but as I recover it is less and less about the food and more and more about God and service to others. However since we want to “attract” people who are still in the disease we need to “catch” their attention with images which are important to them.
Certainly not everyone in OA is a female - nor does everyone in OA come to lose weight; however the majority are women and the majority are overeaters. Public Information efforts are mostly appealing to people who have weight to lose and often aimed at women, this makes good “marketing” sense.
Thanks for the response. I will share this with my "men's" group. FYI regarding your Bookstore notice below, the Spiritual Path is our current group reading, and for the second time! We love it when we have to read about our "husbands."