Even after over 25 years in OA, having worked the steps many times, and having reached a healthy body weight, I struggled with loathing my body. I hated parts of my body. Not all of it. I liked my hair, my eyes, my lips. I valued and accepted my strong arms, legs, and back. I despised, however, my squishy stomach, muffin top, and bulbous underarm boobs. No matter how thin I got, I needed to lose just a little more weight. Maybe if I did, these troublesome bits of me would melt away.
A few years later, my weight had crept up, despite the fact that my believed my food was in order. I had regained 38 of the 98 pounds I had lost. As I looked back on photos of myself at my lowest weight, it dawned on me that even then I had hated these parts of my physical self. My change in weight, whether up or down, did not change my perception or attitude.
I immediately was given an insight from my HP: this issue was not about my body. It was about my perception and attitude. I knew in my heart that I would always find myself unacceptable until I chose in my heart of hearts to accept and love myself just as I am. When I turned 55, I looked back wistfully at how I looked at 40. I suddenly knew that I would do the same thing when I turn 70, looking back at my 55-year-old self. If nothing changes, nothing changes.
Since then, with the help of my sponsor and my higher power, I have focused on being mindful about how I choose to think of my body, being aware of the words I use to describe how I feel about my physical self. I will not tolerate any negative energy directed by me at my body. My attitude has changed. I still have a squishy stomach, muffin top, and underarm boobs. I don’t (yet) love them. But I don’t hate them either. They just are. I am a package deal. Thanks to this program, I like me as I am today.
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