To me: Intergroups can offer recovery services which individual OA groups really couldn’t do on their own. Intergroup can provide a website so people can find out about meetings or events which are happening locally (in the old days intergroups paid for a phone number so people could look in the phone book and call to get information). They bring people together so that recovery events can happen: retreats and workshops; newsletter, meeting list, literature ordered from WSO and provided for people to purchase, sometimes Intergroups provide group insurance so that individuals are covered if someone hurts themselves at a meeting or event, and many more.
Groups send representatives to Intergroup so that information about all those services can be shared and people are informed about upcoming events so all are able to participate on committees for retreats, workshops, public information events, and all can attend events because they know when events are happening.
Intergroups can host workshops on Sponsorship, Abstinence, Unity and diversity within OA, or finding a Higher Power. Or they can sponsor retreats where an outside speaker can share on their recovery.
These are just some of the wonderful things Intergroups can do together which individual groups could not do alone.
So, support your local Intergroup with your money and time to help your own recovery.
Margie - Region 1