I work my program as if my life depends on it, because it does. This disease of mine, this addiction to self-loathing, almost killed me. It causes an obsession of the mind so strong that my symptoms took the form of self-starvation and purging everything I ate.
The maintenance of a fit spiritual condition is the ONLY thing that worked for me. This list is the result of developing that fit spiritual condition, which I achieved through working all twelve Steps. It is evidence of the true miracle of this program. Before recovery, I was a frightened, wounded person who hid in plain sight. Now, I gladly follow the path of my Higher Power, who has led me to this marvelous way of life.
Do your work and you will find your list too. In the meantime, you can share mine with me.
- Choose to be kind.
- Stay open to all life has to offer.
- Say yes to adventure.
- Feel the fear and do it anyway.
- Always remember that you have something unique to offer the world.
- Believe you can make a difference and you will.
- Live a life of integrity.
- Always speak your highest truth with love.
- It works if you do the work.
- Find joy in every day.
- Keep coming back.
Alice W. - Region One