I love the days when I'm feeling complete peace with God and the people around me. Oh, those days are the best! All is right with my world, and I am smiling.
But then there are the other 364 days of the year (smile) when I'm maybe not so serene.
What I know to be true is that when I am working a twelve step program there is always a road for me to follow, a plan for my next move, a design for living that is useful to me.
How grateful I am that when life goes sideways, I have a safety net. That safety net is my Higher Power, and I alone am responsible for accessing the HP that keeps me abstinent.
One thing I have found so helpful lately when I come up against an anxiety or fear is to work all twelve steps through on one particular issue. It is an amazing thing, and so helpful in simplifying things for me. I start with identifying a situation and why it concerns me. Then, in what ways am I powerless? How is it making my life unmanageable? On and on I go until I finish all twelve steps. It's a beautiful process of identifying my part in it all and bringing me peace.
You'll find a copy of Twelve Stepping a Problem on the OA website. Give it a try--contentment is sure to follow! 😊
Nadine D. - Region One Member-at-Large (small)