Step One: I admit that I am powerless over food and this feeling and my life has become unmanageable.
Step Two: I believe that only a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity.
Step Three: I’m deciding right now to turn my will and my life over to the care of God, as I understand God.
I prayed: "Dear God, tell me what to do next." And I got my answer. I knew that I had to go to my physical place of peace and let God be within me.
My place of peace, the place that always bring me closer to God, calms me, and allows me to immerse myself in the present, is a bird sanctuary quite close to my home. As I walked the paths, I heard God in the birds, in the ruffles and ripples of the creeks that run through the sanctuary, and in the wind in the trees. I felt the presence of God, and as I lifted my eyes to the mountains, I knew that I am indeed loved by God. I knew that everything is just as it should be at this precise moment.
I was refreshed and ready to face the sadness head on by reaching out to another compulsive overeater and tackling the service commitments I’ve made to my service groups, family and friends.
And I am at peace. I am smiling. I know that I’m okay and God not only has my back, but also my present and my future.
Paula Z. - Region One