I struggle with holidays every year as all the normal eaters try to eat like compulsive eaters (amateurs!). I so want to be a "normal" eater this time of year. BUT I ain't. So I am glad to have thrown away the last of the left over treats and have a recovery pattern to follow to get back in the groove. Here's mine to restart in the new year:
- First thing in the morning, I read OA literature and write a little in my journal after my first cuppa coffee meditation.
- I see my sponsor once a week and my sponsees once a week.
- I go to two OA meetings a week.
- I write a question to my HP every night and jot down HP's answer.
- I do service in OA and in my community.
- I am grateful for all my blessings and try to never take them for granted.
- In 2020, I have a resolution (I don't have to have the "lose weight" one anymore). This year I am going to clean up my speech--no more lazy curse words. Region One Board members will be able to see how I do with that one!
What are your recovery routines? Are you doing well with them or do you need to step it up? Is there something special you have been putting off for...whenever? Is it time to do that in 2020?
Wishing you joy and freedom in 2020.
Aloha, Pat - Region 1