It's hard to believe that from Rozanne’s small home office in 1960, OA today has a world headquarters, the World Service Office, located in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. Overeaters Anonymous estimates its membership at over 60,000 people in about 6,500 groups meeting in over 75 countries.
An OA 60th birthday weekend event is happening in Los Angeles while I write this blog. There are over 800 OA members from all around the world sharing recovery through the weekend in breakout sessions and fellowship that really started long ago in Rozanne's kitchen and office!
We can pay our debt of gratitude to Rozanne S. by each one of us reaching out to share the hope that OA continues to offer today for relief from food addiction! We are SO fortunate to have additional opportunities for recovery via technology today that Rozanne couldn’t fathom in 1960, but whatever the method of delivery, the OA “secret” remains the 12 Steps of Overeaters Anonymous!
Three Cheers to OA!!!
Sue B. - Region 1