- it would be a good idea to wipe down the table area where you sit and the hard surface contact areas on your chair before and after your meeting.
- It would be prudent to maintain a "social distance" of 3 feet from others if possible.
- Do not hug or hold hands. Send support with a smile and a friendly hello!
- Place tissues and hand sanitizer on the table in your meeting room.
- Do not attend a face to face meeting if you feel unwell. Plan on meeting virtually until you feel fine. Use www.oa.org to find virtual meetings taking place almost around the clock every day of the week.
- If you cough or sneeze do so into your elbow or in a tissue. Take any tissues you use with you.
- Wipe down book covers after use and do not send books around to be read. Let one person be the reader or those who bring their own copies share the reading.
- Use your own pen to sign in, not a pass-around pen.
- Masks work to keep a sick person from spreading their droplets. They do little to nothing, in informal contact, to protect from getting the virus.
Remember in the Big Book it says we do not panic. "..we pause when agitated or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action." This trying situation gives us all a chance to try to be kind and caring: in the grocery store, in meetings, with our families. Fear can take us places we don't want to go. Trust can get us through.
Pat O’C - Region 1 Trustee