There are two blog topics that have emerged from our good interactions that day. I will share the first with you today and save the other for my next blog post.
Becoming a LINK in the Chain - Giving Away What We Have Been Freely Given:
We joined in a circle holding hands. Each person turned to the person on their right as we went around and thanked that member for what we had been freely given in OA. What we heard was amazing: freedom, joy, acceptance, love, belonging, physical recovery, emotional recovery, connection with HP...the appreciation went all around. We took those good thoughts and shared about what each of us could do to be a link in the chain to continue to make sure that OA would be there for the next compulsive eater as OA was there for us. Some of the simplest ideas are really the most profound:
- Text all the members of your meeting on meeting day
- Call/use your sponsor
- with permission, put up OA flyers at other 12 Step fellowship meetings
- send introduction letters about OA to counselors and therapists in your area
- share your peace
- Tell your doctor about OA
- When asked about that new sparkle in your eye, share your source of emotional, physical and spiritual recovery in OA
- Be a sponsor and have a sponsor
- Be willing to be a ride or contact
- Share Lifeline
- Offer 24 hour coins at your meeting (One Day at a Time)
- Get to a meeting whether you want to or not
- Tell your nutritionist about OA
- Have sponsorship be a topic at your meeting
- USE the PHONE to reach out
- Start a new meeting
- Be brave and take a new service position
Thanks to the Snake River Folks. You are wonderful!
Pat - Region 1