The Assembly Notebook will be available as a complete document 30 days before Assembly.
Because Assembly this year will be held on Zoom, we ask that Intergroups purchase their copies of the Notebook directly from Amazon (a link will be provided). Each Representative should have a printed copy of the Notebook. We hope visitors to Assembly and Intergroup Chairs will find the Notebook a valuable resource, as well.
As individual sections become available they will appear on this page as active links. This will allow those who would like to read in advance more time to do so.
Scroll down to Section 11 for completed Intergroup reports and the report template.
Because Assembly this year will be held on Zoom, we ask that Intergroups purchase their copies of the Notebook directly from Amazon (a link will be provided). Each Representative should have a printed copy of the Notebook. We hope visitors to Assembly and Intergroup Chairs will find the Notebook a valuable resource, as well.
As individual sections become available they will appear on this page as active links. This will allow those who would like to read in advance more time to do so.
Scroll down to Section 11 for completed Intergroup reports and the report template.
Section 1: Welcome - Agenda, Letter from the Chair, Mission, Proposed Standing Rules and Readings. Reps: Please review the proposed Virtual Assembly Standing Rules before Assembly; we will vote on these rules at the start of Assembly.
Section 2: About Region One - Map of Intergroups, Board Roster, Intergroup Roster, Unaffiliated Groups List, Unaffiliated Groups Outreach Packet
Section 3: Current Region One Bylaws
Section 4: Current Region One Policies & Procedures
Section 5: Motions to Assembly 2020 - Consent Agenda, Proposed Bylaws and Policies Amendments
Section 6, Part 1: Financial Resources - Financial Glossary, A Step Ahead Article, Example Donation Check Memo, Group Treasurer Worksheet
Section 6, Part 2: 2019 Financial Reports - Income/Expense Report, Explanation of Expenses 10% or More Over Budget, Donations Report
Section 7: 2021 Budget Proposal - Pre-Assembly Budget Q&A Sessions, 2021 General Fund Budget Proposal
Section 8: Elections (blank application)
Section 9: Board Reports
Section 10: Project Team Reports
Section 11: Intergroup Reports (template for report - due August 1)
Section 12: 2020-2021 Project Teams - Project Team List, Guidelines, Ideas & Resources, Blank Goal Sheet
Section 13: Special Focus Section - Life On Life's Terms: Connecting to Recovery in a Changing World. (Contributions from Members)
Section 14: World Service Resources
Section 15: Region One Resources
Section 16: Local Resources
Section 2: About Region One - Map of Intergroups, Board Roster, Intergroup Roster, Unaffiliated Groups List, Unaffiliated Groups Outreach Packet
Section 3: Current Region One Bylaws
Section 4: Current Region One Policies & Procedures
Section 5: Motions to Assembly 2020 - Consent Agenda, Proposed Bylaws and Policies Amendments
Section 6, Part 1: Financial Resources - Financial Glossary, A Step Ahead Article, Example Donation Check Memo, Group Treasurer Worksheet
Section 6, Part 2: 2019 Financial Reports - Income/Expense Report, Explanation of Expenses 10% or More Over Budget, Donations Report
Section 7: 2021 Budget Proposal - Pre-Assembly Budget Q&A Sessions, 2021 General Fund Budget Proposal
Section 8: Elections (blank application)
Section 9: Board Reports
Section 10: Project Team Reports
Section 11: Intergroup Reports (template for report - due August 1)
Section 12: 2020-2021 Project Teams - Project Team List, Guidelines, Ideas & Resources, Blank Goal Sheet
Section 13: Special Focus Section - Life On Life's Terms: Connecting to Recovery in a Changing World. (Contributions from Members)
Section 14: World Service Resources
Section 15: Region One Resources
Section 16: Local Resources